Želite da pošaljete newsletter, a imate listu veću od 500 korisnika?
S obzirom da je na serveru postavljeno ograničenje od 500 mailova po satu, savetujemo da ne koristite opciju Mailling Lists za slanje takvog newslettera, jer je nemoguće slati mailove u blokovima kroz Mailing Lists.
Rešenje je koriššenje PhpList-e. To možete učiniti na sledeći način:
1. Ulogujte se na cPanel
2. Pronađite aplikaciju pod imenom Softaculous
3. U levom meniju kliknite na Mails, a zatim na phpList
4. Popunite detalje i kliknite na dugme Install.
Da biste ispoštovali Uslove korišćenja AdriaHost-a, moraćete da uradite sitne izmene u PhpList-i, a uputstvo sledi:
1. Locirajte config.php fajl phpliste ( ako ste skriptu instalirali u www.vasdomen.com/lista/ , onda se config.php nalazi u /public_html/lista/config/config.php
2. Skinite fajl config.php na svoj PC i otvorite ga pomocu notepad-a ili wordpad-a. Napomena: Za svaki slučaj, napravite backup ovog fajla, u slučaju da se ne snadjete.
3. Locirajte deo koda koji se zove 'batch processing'
4. Odmah ispod batch processing koda, videcete kod sličan sledećem:
# define the amount of emails you want to send per period. If 0, batch processing
# is disabled and messages are sent out as fast as possible
# define the length of one batch processing period, in seconds (3600 is an hour)
# to avoid overloading the server that sends your email, you can add a little delay
# between messages that will spread the load of sending
# you will need to find a good value for your own server
# value is in seconds (or you can play with the autothrottle below)
To je default-ni kod config.php fajla. Njega je potrebno da izmenite, na sledeći način:
# define the amount of emails you want to send per period. If 0, batch processing
# is disabled and messages are sent out as fast as possible
# define the length of one batch processing period, in seconds (3600 is an hour)
# to avoid overloading the server that sends your email, you can add a little delay
# between messages that will spread the load of sending
# you will need to find a good value for your own server
# value is in seconds (or you can play with the autothrottle below)
Na ovaj način ćete prilagoditi Vašu skriptu da šalje 480 mailova po satu, u blokovima po 7 mailova.
5. Putem FTP-a , možete uploadovati fajl config.php preko originalnog fajla.
Vaša mail lista će biti uspešno poslata i i neće biti problema na serveru.