How to log in to the DirectAdmin panel?

To access your hosting via the DirectAdmin panel, you need to have a hosting plan with DirectAdmin and the necessary login credentials.

Here’s how to access it:

Step 1: DirectAdmin Panel Link

The link to access the DirectAdmin panel is always structured as follows:


So, simply add :2222 to your website’s address.


Note: The red-colored text is just an example—do not use this address to log in.

It should look like this:

directadmin panel access

After that, you can proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Enter Your Login Credentials

On the login page, enter the required details:

Username: Enter the username provided by Adriahost

Password: Enter the password provided by Adriahost

directadmin panel access


  1. The DirectAdmin username and password are different from the credentials used to access the client area.
  2. You receive your DirectAdmin login credentials from Adriahost after purchasing a hosting plan.
  3. If you have lost your login details, please contact us so we can resend your DirectAdmin panel credentials.
  • directadmin
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