For registration of national .RS and .СРБ domain registrants are obliged to submit accurate and complete data to the authorized register. In this way, significant security for Internet identity is ensured and possible misuse is prevented.
The email address of the registrant and the administrative contact is an important information by which the contacts are identified in front of the RNIDS and the authorized register. The obligation of the registrant is to keep the accuracy of the e-mail address on its part.
Basic information
The basic information about the domain is defined in the General Terms of Registration of the name of the national Internet domain. These include the following information:
- Data about registrant, administrative and technical contact
- DNS server data and technical data
If these contacts are individual persons, the following data is required:
- Name and surname
- Address of residence
- E-mail address
- Phone number
If the contacts on the domain are legal entities, the following informations are needed:
- Company name
- Address of the seat
- Legal entity number - VAT
- E-mail address
- Phone number
- Name and surname of the contact person
The manager for this information is RNIDS, so here you can read the Notice on Personal Data Processing.
Technical data
For each domain, at least two valid DNS servers must be specified:
- Full DNS server name
- If the DNS server is located on the domain to which it is bound, its IP address must be specified in IPv4 or IPv6 format
If DNS server data is not entered, the domain name will not be active - it will not be listed in the DNS table.
Important notes
It is important that the registrants of the national internet domains .RS and .СРБ keep in mind that the conditions for registration envisage the following:
- The registrant has a deadline of 20 days to confirm the registration and data on the domain. If this does not happen within the time limit, the domain becomes inactive until it is activated.
- In the event of a change of data, the registrant is obliged to notify RNIDS within 15 days, through an authorized register, and file a request for change of data.
- RNIDS may, independently or in cooperation with an authorized registry, to check data on the domain. If it turns out that the data are incorrect or have changed in the meantime, RNIDS will require the registrant to submit a request for the processing of data.
- By registering domains, or by submitting registration data, the registrant claims that the information is correct.
- The Registrant agrees to know that he loses the right to cancel the contract after the authorized register registers that domain name with RNIDS and when RNIDS registers the domain name in the Register.
- RNIDS is not liable for any damage that may result in incorrect registration of domain information, nor for unauthorized or unlawful use of the domain name. For all damage suffered by RNIDS or third parties due to incorrect registration of domain information, the registrant is responsible.