Setting up Outlook 2003

Setting up Outlook 2003 to work with AdriaHost mail servers

Open Outlook Express 2003. Click on Tools – Email Accounts.


prvi korak

Step 1. Email Accounts

Now we setup a new Email Account:

drugi korak

Step 2. Add a new e-mail account

For Email type select POP3:

treci korak

Step 3. Selecting POP3

Click na Next.

Add information on next screen, as follows:
Your Name: You can enter your full name
 Email Address:
Incoming mail server (POP3) :
Outgoing mail server (SMTP) :
User Name:
Password: Your password

korak cetiri

Step 4. Setting up Email Address

Click on More settings - General, and then Outgoing Server.
peti korak

Step 5. Setting up Outgoing server

Check My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication, then OK, and then Test Account Settings. You will receive test email. Click on Next, and then Finish.
Your mail is set up.

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