For this type of payment you need to have PayPal account or to login to existing PayPal account during payment process when it takes.
If you don't have PayPal account you can open it with following instructions here:
For adding and paying with payment card through PayPal account do next:
Step 1: Go to your client account and search for unpaid Invoice or simple click on link that you received from us.
In field payment method select 2CheckOut - PayPal, then click on button Platite odmah ili Pay Now (depending on language that you chose in your account).

Step 2: Click on button Continue to Billing Information:

Fill in all payment information, then click on button Continue to Payment Method:

Now click on button Continue to PayPal:

Step 3: Now you need to login on your PayPal account in this step enter your email address that you used earlier to open your PayPal account and click on Next button.If you don't have PayPal account you need to open one.

Enter password, and after click on Log In button

If verification icon shows keep in mind it is CaseSensitive and corectly type the code in field:

Step4: If you already added card on your PayPal account , just click on button Continue, if card wasn't added youn nedd to click on option Add debit or credit card and follow simpe procedure for adding card.

Wait for verification:

Payment will be confirmed very soon and you will see this screen where you need to click on button Finalize Your Order and all is done.

In case you have problem with payment please, contact us on following ways:
- Open ticket for support
- Contact us through form here