The most common scenario for detection and stealing of user access data is based on the virus type Trojan.PWS.Tupai, Trojan.Gumblar, Trojan.PWS.FerTP and the like. On the Internet in general occur frequently unauthorized access via FTP and cPanel accounts.
The data is stolen by a virus that records entry of user names, passwords and data used to sign over any form. These viruses can be found on the infected computer and "keep an eye" on the intake of specific types of data. These viruses often records all the information is entered for any login form, whether it comes to FTP, cPanel, Webmail login form or perhaps your bank account.
How are these viruses found on your computer?
Your computer may be infected with a virus on one (or more) of the ways:
- From another computer (data transfer via USB drive, external drive, etc.)
- From another computer (connecting by any means, wired or wireless)
- By e-mail (opening e-mail that you do not expect, that sends an unknown sender, containing the attachment to be downloaded to your computer)
- Through social networks (the same applies as for e-mails)
- By visiting websites that contain viruses
Once a computer is infected, the virus sends all the data collected to the address of the virus. With the help of stolen data, virus or person access to your hosting account, download and modify the (most common) .php files. Such modified files can be used for a variety of illegal activities.
How to prevent data theft?
- Make sure that the software on your computer and the operating system is always up to date and in the latest version
- Do not use software that is illegal (cracked versions of paid programs is a reworked to be able to use free of charge where the program itself contains viral code that spies on users)
- Use antivirus software
- Regularly scan your computer with antivirus software
- Do not allow the FTP client to automatically store data for access. Enter it manually.
- As an additional measure of security change the passwords on every 3-4-6 months
- Remove your computer from the network (existing virus will not be able to send your data if it is not on the network)
- Scan your computer using antivirus software and clean it from viruses
- When the computer is cleaned, return it to the network
- Login to the cPanel and immediately change the password for cPanel, FTP accounts, and e-mail accounts.